
IOM, Tribhuvan University, and Government of Nepal Celebrate International Migrants Day 2024

Sharat Singh Bhandari, Nepal’s Honourable Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MoLESS), gave a keynote speech at the event. @IOM Nepal 2024

From left to right: Prof Dr Achyut Wagle, Registrar of Kathmandu University; Mr Mukunda Prasad Niraula, Secretary of MoLESS; Mr Sharat Singh Bhandari, Honorable Minister of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security; Ms Helene Fors, Chief of Mission, IOM Nepal. @IOM Nepal 2024

Event participants actively engaged in discussions. @IOM Nepal 2024

Panelists discussed current policy and initiatives to promote regular migration pathways and mitigating risks associated with irregular migration. @IOM Nepal 2024

A group photo capturing the participants at the event. @IOM Nepal 2024

Kathmandu – Migration plays a significant socio-economic role in Nepal. Over the past five years, Nepal has consistently received over USD 10 billion annually in remittances, contributing significantly to household incomes and national reserves. To mark International Migrants Day on 18 December and honour migrants’ contributions, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Nepal, in partnership with Tribhuvan University and Nepal's Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MoLESS) organized the sixth Academic Discourse on Migration and Development. This year's theme, “Every Step,” aims to foster a greater understanding of regular pathways and their benefits for both origin and destination countries. Supported by the IOM Development Fund, the event had more than 100 participants, including academics, policymakers, students and government officials.

The event addressed challenges associated with irregular migration and the vulnerabilities linked to informal routes. In her opening remarks, Helene Fors, IOM Nepal’s Chief of Mission, emphasized that “IOM is helping people find safety and opportunity by facilitating safe and regular pathways for migration – at every step of the journey.” She stressed the transformative potential of well-managed migration, highlighting its role as a cornerstone of sustainable development by creating opportunities that benefit both countries of origin and destination.

Honourable Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Security, Sharat Singh Bhandari, highlighted the critical need to leverage the capital and skills of migrant workers. "The Government is committed to standardizing Bilateral Labour Migration Agreements (BLMAs) with destination countries to ensure maximum security, decent work, and strengthened rights and benefits for Nepali migrant workers, while promoting regular migration pathways," he said.

As part of the event, participants watched three inspiring video stories that highlighted the transformative power of informed migration. These stories celebrated the opportunities migration creates, underscoring the importance of preparation, skill development and regular migration pathways in strengthening communities. 

The event reiterated the importance of governments, academia, and society as a whole in managing regular migration pathways and identifying potential measures to control irregular mobility. As a Champion Country of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM), Nepal has made notable progress and remains committed to advancing safe, orderly and regular migration.

For more information, please contact: Prajwal Sharma, Head of Migration and Development at IOM Nepal at

SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals