As a result of the devastating earthquakes that affected Nepal in April and May 2015, IOM and as one of the world's key humanitarian responders, IOM quickly reacted by deploying a rapid response team of experts in order to support the earthquake affected populations with Shelter, Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM), Health and Psychosocial Support, Protection and Early Recovery activities. Furthermore, IOM launched the Relief, Recovery and Reconstruction (RRR) Programme to efficiently and timely respond to the pressing needs in the aftermath of the earthquakes.

Key Fact and Figures

  • More than 8.1 million people affected across 39 of Nepal’s 75 districts
  • Around 2.8 million people living in the 14 most severely affected districts
  • Over 256,000 houses damaged and 498,852 houses destroyed
  • Up to 90 per cent of health facilities in rural areas damaged

Key Achievements

  • Shelter and non-food items distributed to 297,876 households, reaching approximately 1,489,380  individuals;
  • Awareness raised for 2,272 individuals on gender based violence, safe migration, and referral mechanism for gender-based violence (GBV) cases;
  • 40,700 Information and Education Communication materials on the risks of human trafficking and unsafe migration disseminated in the post‐earthquake settings;
  • 3,647 local laborers, including 1,498 women engaged in Cash for Work programmes;
  • 499 individual patients with earthquake related injuries and disabilities assisted through discharge from hospital, referral to step-down or specialist care, and/or assisted return to home or preferred community.

Looking Ahead

IOM continues to support the Government of Nepal in responding to the needs of earthquake-affected populations. As the earthquake response moves from emergency assistance to longer term recovery and preparedness, IOM’s thematic areas of intervention have adopted a mid to long term approach focusing on durable solutions for affected populations, early recovery, health, protection, livelihoods, and housing, recovery and reconstruction.

Key priorities

  • Residual Relief to respond to remaining needs of affected populations
  • Ensure Durable Solutions frameworks for displaced population
  • Support Housing and Community Infrastructure Recovery and Reconstruction efforts
  • Enhance Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction Measure

Areas of Work